The Morenghi brothers’ EDEN VERDE nursery company is located in the Canneto s/Oglio council at the margins of the magnificent Oglio-Chiese park and boasts an extent of 35 hectares, completely to farm.
EDEN VERDE, the culture of the good quality. The EDEN VERDE way has two precise reference points. From a side the tree, with its property of memory, values, meanings. From other the fast progress of everyday life, of life styles and technologies.
Among these two extremes the EDEN VERDE engagement has been developed for 30 years.
Engage in the right choice of the cultivable grounds to farm of absolute performances. Of individuality in the solutions and above all of a positive balance among the product, the human habitat and the natural environment.
These are the basic elements of the EDEN VERDE culture.
These are the reasons why it distinguishes from other cultures: in the experience, in the productive flexibility and in the flexibility of thought and actually in the excellence of its production.
Our product offerings are:
HALF SIZE POLE used for transplanting or potting.
- Photinia Fraseri Red Robin
- Ligustrum Japonicum
- Ligustrum Variegato
- Cupressocyparis Leylandii
- Cercis Canadensis
- Cercis Siliquastrum
- Celtis
- Acer Buergeranum
- Acer Campestre
- Acer Platanoides
- Malus
- Crataegus
- Carpinus Betulus
- Gleditsia
- Cornus Mas
- Cornus Jolica
- Cornus Officinalis
- Pyrus Calleryana Chanticleer
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Clerodendron
- Quercus Robur
- Fraxinus (in varietà)
- Betula Utilis
- Prunus (in varietà)
- Liquidambar Styraciflua
- Morus Alba
- Morus Alba Fruitless
- Morus Alba Platanifolia